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Ensuring a gender-responsive and effective Corporate Due Diligence Legislation in 10 steps

Adverse impacts of corporate activities are by no means gender neutral. Pollution, land grabbing, the exploitation of workers, violence against human rights defenders… all have different and disproportionate effects on women. ActionAid’s extensive work with communities around the world shows companies’ involvement in such human rights abuses are often exacerbated by existing gender norms and intersecting vulnerabilities.

In February 2022, the European Commission presented its proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive(CSDDD). It’s a crucial opportunity to advance women’s rights and gender equality in the international value chains of European companies. However, considering the EU’s commitment to gender equality, it is surprising that the Commission’s proposal is completely gender-
blind. The CSDDD risks leaving women behind. The time is now to capitalise on this unique opportunity and ensure this legislation makes a lasting difference in the lives of millions of women around the world.

ActionAid developed 10 recommendations to ensure gender-responsive and effective corporate sustainability due diligence legislation. Learn more about them in the briefing: Ensuring a gender-responsive and effective Corporate Due Diligence Legislation in 10 steps